baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
Bed rooms should be in Southern side, South-West corner and Western side only.
Bedroom can also be in he North-West corner but should no be used by the master or the bread earning of the house.
Bedroom in the south-west corner should be used by the master of the house.
Southern and Western side bedroom should be used by sons.
North-West corner bedroom can be used by daughters and guests.
Bedrooms with attached toilets in the North-East corner is dangerous. Newly married couple in any case should not use he North East bed room.
Only bedroom in the North-East corner, may be in unavoidable circumstances used by old people.
Bedrooms in he Eastern and Northern sides too are not good.
Bedroom in the South-East corner is dangerous.
When the building has more than one storey and there are two bedrooms in the South-West corner, one in the ground floor and the other in the first floor, the master of the house should use the one in the ground floor.
Copyright 2014 vastu. All rights reserved.
baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44