baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
Staircase and lifts should be in Southern side, South-West corner or Western side.
Staircase and lift should not be in North-East zone at all.
Steps should lead one from North to south and from South to West.
After reaching the mid landing the staircase can take any direction.
Movement on the staircase from ground to first floor should be as far as possible in clockwise direction.
When the staircase is located outside the building, it should be located in East-South East, South-South West. West South West and North-North West so that the movement is from North to South and East to West, respectively.
The termination of steps in the first floor should be in the faourable position only i.e East North East, South South East, West North West and North North East.
Number or risers in a staircase should be odd i.e 17, 19, 21 etc., similarly number of risers in the steps to the house too should be odd i.e. 1,2,3 etc .
As far as possible staircase should be away from the wall on the Eastern and Northern side at least by 3 inches.
Copyright 2014 vastu. All rights reserved.
baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44