The living room can be in the northeast for a north or east facing house. For a west facing house, the living room can be in the northwest. For a south facing house, one can settle for a southeast living room.
Exposed beams in the living room cause discord, friction and difference of opinions among the family members or the guests. Reason being that beam is a load bearing member of the structure. Sitting near or under exposed beam causes stress and load on one’s mind. Important decisions should not be taken while sitting under beam. The beams can be concealed by creating a false ceiling. There can be a light on the beam to dilute the effect. According to feng shui, wind chimes with hollow bamboo pipes at either end of the beam are also said to balance the disturbed elements.
Heavy furniture can be set against the south and west walls (and if need against east walls), not touching them. The area between the sets relating to the southwest (strength corner) can have waist level landscaping done with heavy indoor plants and small rocks and stones. This high rise area can even have a small idol of Lord Ganesha on the west wall. Furniture arrangement, however should give allowance for free movement from the living room into other rooms. Avoid their cluttering. The area between the sets that relate to southeast (energy) can have a floor level (or a table mounted) podium lamp that draws attention to your living room with a nice red or orange light.
The color of the walls and the tiles can be white, yellow, blue or green. As far as possible, it should not be red or black.
Chandelier should not be fixed right in the center of the room, but can be slightly towards the west, reason being that central part should not have any heavy weight in the central area.
Coolers or air-conditioners should be in the west and not in the south-east section. The television should be in the southeast corner. As far as possible T.V. should not be in the north-east or the south-west corner.
The sitting arrangement of the head of the family should be facing the east or in the north direction.
The telephone should not be in the south-west or the north-west corners. It should be in the east or in the south-east or in the north.
Portraits of birds, animals, women, weeping children, scenes from the wars etc. should not be displayed in the room. The north wall of the living room can have paintings/pictures of waterfalls. The east wall can have a painting of the rising sun. The south and west walls can have paintings of high rise mountains with heavy plant life and similar paintings that denote strength.
Furniture of this room and arrangement of furniture should be square or rectangular. Avoid circular, triangular, egg shaped, hexagonal or odd shapes.
Above any of the entrance doors on the inside of the room no photographs of any God should be displayed.
The living room should be close to the entry and should reflect a positive energy. Good family feelings and friends should circulate in this area.
Make sure that main door is visible to visitors, while sitting in this room.
Place few favorite pictures of your family in the living / family room. Playing soft music in the living room also increase its energy.
Living room means Live-in room. Use this room. Spend good time here as it is in the heart center of your home.
It is good if the ceiling slopes down toward the northeast direction.
Aquariums are beneficial to place in the North, East and North-East of living room.