Health Pyramids |
Here is an absolutely unique method - FaMaa color therapy. This new system of PyraColors are developed from integral effect of color, Pyramid Yantra, visualization and deep rhythmic breathing for health and wellness. |
Health 9x9(set of 7) (set of 7) |
According to Prof. Dr. Bhatt, 3 Fa colors are Red, Orange and Yellow and Maa colors are Green, Blue and Violet. He has developed 6 Health Pyra color plates and a supporting plate with white color. This is Health 9x9 and it is used as a pair for health and healing. Normally you use single white plate. But appropriate color plate at the required location and one white plate in the opposite side can give better results.
Health 9x9 -Red (RED) |
RED - Hot color, color with the greatest penetration, strongly stimulates flow of blood. Indication: Poor circulation, inflammation, chronic cough, asthma, anemia, eczema.
Health 9x9- Orange (ORANGE) |
Gives energy, makes joyful, color of the sun. Indication: Pessimism, psychosis, depression, fear, emaciation, tiredness.
Health 9x9 - Yellow (YELLOW) |
Fortifies the endocrine system, makes chronic processes acute. Indication: Diseases of digestive tract, strengthens the nervous system.
Health 9x9- Green (GREEN) |
Neutral color, treats chronic problems, sedative, soothing, relaxing. Indication: Whooping cough, inflammation of the joints, tumors, ulcer, eye diseases, diabetes.
Health 9x9- Blue (BLUE) |
Cold color, has a relaxing effect, valuable in treatment of all diseases involving heat. Indication: Pain, congestion, hemorrhoids, warts, sleeplessness, frigidity, menopausal difficulties.
Health 9x9 - Violet (VIOLET) |
Acts on consciousness, promotes awareness, prepares for meditation. Indications: Lymphatic system disorders.
Power-Roll (For total body relaxation and comfort) |
PowerMat - Twister (Twist off weight!) |
Slim X, the most advance way to twist excess fat from Belly, Thighs & Hips. Slim X with Pyramid power useful for Weight reduction, Figure tone up, Flatten tummy & Thighs. Also spine fitness & height booster. Contains 2500 Pyramid grids, 2 Yantra magnets, 2500 Acutips.
Stress Pad (Relax while you work) |
It's extremely easy to use. No extra time needed, just relax while you work. A time tested Foot Relaxer. Must for Office Executives, Computer Professionals & Students, while watching TV and old age peoples.Strees Pad with the power of 6500 Pyramids & 12 Super Magnets with 2 Support Stands gives better results.