baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
When setting up industrial units utmost care should be taken in the selection of site, its shape, slope in different directions, approach road etc., which should conform to the vastu principles.
Gate should be in the North North East, East North East, South South East or West North West and the main entrance door of the factory too shall be in the same fashion.
North and East side should be kept vacant and also northern and eastern sides shall have more open space than the southern and western sides.
Stream or filthy water or stationery dirty water in front of the building is not good.
Using old building materials from the demolished buildings should be avoided.
All the water bodies shall be in North East zone except the over head tank which shall be in South-West corner of the plot or of the building and this shall be the tallest structure in the complex.
All the heat generating units or where the fire is involved like transformer, generator, arc welding, boiler, furnace etc., shall be in the South-East corner of the plot or of the building.
In factory building North and East side should be with light machines, west and south should be with heavy machines.
North-East corner should be vacant and South-West corner should have the heavier machine and the loading pattern shall be in the same fashion.
Floor of the factory should slope slightly towards North-East and the roof should slop from south to north and west to east.
Goods which are to be quickly disposed off, should be stored in the North-West corner.
Managing director should have his chamber in the South-West corner and he should face north and others should face north or east.
When separate administrative block is proposed, it should be in the South-West corner of the plot but it should be higher than factory building.
When the administrative block is located in the North-East it should be lower than the factory building but no one should show their back towards the main factory building while sitting or working.
Toilet blocks should be in South and West but not in East, North or North-East. It should be avoided in the South West corner too.
Staff quarters, servants quarters, guest rooms etc., should be located in the North-West corner or South-East corner of the plot.
In no case northern and eastern compound wall shall be disturbed by touching of any structure. Even the security room and the pump house shall be away from it.
Building a compound wall and locating gates in the proper place is an absolute necessity eve though the plot is very big in size.
When a canteen is proposed in the industrial complex it shall be in the South-East corner or North-West corner.
Raw material can be stored outside in he open space but North and East side should be avoided, particularly North-East corner.
Parking of vehicles too can be in the open space but North-East corner shall be left free. North and East side can be used for parking.
Weight bridge can be located in the North-West or South-East zone.
Copyright 2014 vastu. All rights reserved.
baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44