baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
Corner of the Site extending to North, North East, East, North east or North-East will be very much advantageous.
Extension to North, North east brings in name, fame and popularity.
Extension to East, North east ensures good health, wealth and prosperity.
site with its corner extending to east-south east, south-south east or south east is not good and has to be rectified y cutting of the extended portion by building a compound wall or by fencing.
a. Extention east south east causes theft , fire accident , quarrel
etc and to south southeast unnecessary fight , court litigation etc.
Site with its corner extending to west north west, north north west is North-West too is to good and has to be rectified.
a.Extension to West North West results in bad habits and financial
Site with its corner extended to west south west or south south west or south-west is the worst and has to be rectified or rejected. Extension to south south west will cause sorrow, misery, wasteful expenditure, mental disturbance and loss of name and fame.
Addition or extension of site by buying a new piece of land should be only in North, East, East North-East, North North East.
Plot should not be in the neighbourhood of any religious place, public place, marriage halls, hospitals, burial or cremation grounds.
Addition or extension of site by buying a new piece of land towards west; south; east south east, south south-east or south-east; south south west; west south west or south-west; north-west is bad and has to be avoided.
When buying a new piece of land away from the existing site too, care should be taken to select only those towards East, North and North-East.
Sites with rounded off, cut off or chamfered corners are not good.
Site with North-East corner rounded off, cut off, chamfered the worst.
Sites with other corners cut can be used with limited success.
In case of Agricultural lands, coffee, tea and other kinds of estates the same principles are applicable. Huge extensions unfavourable zones should be cut off by fencing.
While selecting the site for building a farm house in the agricultural land or estate the above mentioned rules should observed and the site shall have a compound wall or fencing around it.
Small building sites where lot of open spaces cannot be left around the building, then such big trees like Ashwath (peepul), Mango, may damage the building, should not be there.
Sites with fertile earth, flowering plants, fruit trees, grass etc are good.
Sites with big boulders, at hills or where murder or burial had taken should be avoided.Any site, which is sandwiched between two big plots, is not good and should be avoided.
When a building has to have anther storey the entire first floor can be built.
But building on the Easter and leaving the Western side vacant is bad.
Building on the Northern side and leaving Southern side vacant is bad.
Building on both Eastern side ad Northern side and leaving South-West corner vacant is very bad.
One can build on the western side ad can leave eastern side vacant.
One can build on the southern side and cam leave northern side vacant.
One can built both on western and southern side and leave north-east corner as vacant.
All the roof and floor levels should slope towards North, East and North-East corner.
Height of the first floor should be equal to that of ground floor, it can be less than that of ground floor, but cannot be more.
Pigeons should not be reared in the house but ducks, cocks, parrots, dogs and cats can be reared in the house. They should be in North-West corner or West.
Never hang pictures of animal fights, hunting elephant captures, house on fire, trees devoid of flowers and fruits, dead and stuffed animals, horses etc.
Also never hang pictures of pigeons, crows, lions, snakes, vultures, owls and bats.
Copyright 2014 vastu. All rights reserved.
baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44