baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
Selection of site:-
Site should be square in shape. Square shaped site ensures all round prosperity and good results.
Sites can also be rectangular in shape. Rectangular shaped ste too ensures all round prosperity and good results.
In square or rectangular shaped sites, the North South and East West axis should be in alignment with the boundary.
Site with deflected North South axis is not good but deflection upto 10 degrees is tolerable.
Sites of triangular, circular shapes, those with five corners, Hexagon, Octagon or Polygon shapes or of irregular shapes are not good and should be avoided.
Angle of South-West corner should be 90 degrees, that of North East can be less than 90 degree, and those of North-West and South-East can be little more than 90 degrees.
Location of site, its surroundings, environment etc., should considered when selecting the site.
Soil conditions, its texture, colour , load bearing capacity whether filled up or natural etc., should also be considered.
Site should slope from South to North from West to East and from South-West to North-East.
Elevated East means loss of progeny and depressed, East means wealth, long life and fame.
Elevated South ensures good health and prosperity and depressed, South causes sickness and poverty.
Elevated West ushers in name, fame and good children and depressed West results in ill health and loss of children.
Elevated North drives away wealth and depressed North brings in wealth.
North-East corner of the site should be the lowest; North-West corner should be little higher than North-East followed by South-East. South-West corner should be the highest.
South-East higher than South-west is bad, higher than North-East and North-West brings in wealth. Lower than North-West and North-East will cause accidents, criminal mind and rivalry.
Elevated South-West ensures all round progress fame. Depressed South-West causes prolonged sickness, premature death and various other problems.
North-West higher than North-East means all round success and wealth, but it should not higher than South-East and South-West, North-West lower than North-East causes rivalry, ill health and misery.
Sites with mounds, hills, tall buildings in West and South should be selected and sites with the same in East and North should be rejected.
Roads in the East should be lower than the site or in level and not higher than the site. Roads in North should be lower than the site or in level with the site and not higher than the site. Road in South should be higher than the site or in level with the site but not lower than the site.
Road in North should be lower than the site or in level with the site and not higher than the site.
Road in West should be higher than the site or in level with the site but not lower than the site.
Roads in South should be higher than the site or in level with the site but not lower than the site.
Road should slope from South to North from West to East not vice versa.
A stream, nallah or river in the east and north with the water flowing from west to east and from south to north will ensures beneficial results.
Location of tanks, ponds, lake in North-East direction, off the site to will ensure better results.
Roads in all the four sides of the site will be ideal proposition.
Roads in three sides except in the south too will ensure prosperity.
Road in north and east is very good.
Site with road in north and west is also good and similarly the site with road in east and south is also good but it is better for ladies organizations.
Site with roads in west and south if of last category.
Site with roads in north and east is good, site with road in west is not bad, but site with road in south should be utilized cautiously.
Corner of the Site extending to North, North East, East, North east or North-East will be very much advantageous.
Extension to North, North east brings in name, fame and popularity.
Extension to East, North east ensures good health, wealth and prosperity.
site with its corner extending to east-south east, south-south east or south east is not good and has to be rectified y cutting of the extended portion by building a compound wall or by fencing.
a. Extention east south east causes theft , fire accident , quarrel
etc and to south southeast unnecessary fight , court litigation etc.
Site with its corner extending to west north west, north north west is North-West too is to good and has to be rectified.
a.Extension to West North West results in bad habits and financial
Site with its corner extended to west south west or south south west or south-west is the worst and has to be rectified or rejected. Extension to south south west will cause sorrow, misery, wasteful expenditure, mental disturbance and loss of name and fame.
Addition or extension of site by buying a new piece of land should be only in North, East, East North-East, North North East.
Plot should not be in the neighbourhood of any religious place, public place, marriage halls, hospitals, burial or cremation grounds.
Addition or extension of site by buying a new piece of land towards west; south; east south east, south south-east or south-east; south south west; west south west or south-west; north-west is bad and has to be avoided.
When buying a new piece of land away from the existing site too, care should be taken to select only those towards East, North and North-East.
Sites with rounded off, cut off or chamfered corners are not good.
Site with North-East corner rounded off, cut off, chamfered the worst.
Sites with other corners cut can be used with limited success.
In case of Agricultural lands, coffee, tea and other kinds of estates the same principles are applicable. Huge extensions unfavourable zones should be cut off by fencing.
While selecting the site for building a farm house in the agricultural land or estate the above mentioned rules should observed and the site shall have a compound wall or fencing around it.
Small building sites where lot of open spaces cannot be left around the building, then such big trees like Ashwath (peepul), Mango, may damage the building, should not be there.
Sites with fertile earth, flowering plants, fruit trees, grass etc are good.
Sites with big boulders, at hills or where murder or burial had taken should be avoided.
Any site, which is sandwiched between two big plots, is not good and should be avoided.
Veedi Shoolas or road or lane which runs right into the face of the site perpendicularly should be only in favourable (Uchchastaan) position and not in unfavourable (Neechastaan) position.
Veedi Shoola from North North East is good but from the North North West is bad.
Veedi Shoola from East North East is good but from South South West is bad.
Veedi Shoola from South South East is good but from South South West is bad.
Veedi Shoola from West North West is good but from West South West is bad.
Veedi Shoola from centre of plot will have both god and bad effects.
When such Veedi Shoolas are in unfavourable positions, that portion has to be cut off to get rid of its evil effects.
Every property must have a compound wall at least o 5’0” height and the gate should be located in the favourable position only.
When the road is in North the gate should be in North East corner only.
When the road is in East the gate should be in East North East only.
When the road is in West the gate should be in West North West only.
When the road is in South the gate should be in South or South East only.
Gate should never be fixed in the center of the boundary.
More than one gate i.e one big and one small can be fixed in the favourable zones.
Well or bore well should be in North-East corner of the plot. Should be either in North, North East or East North East corner but should not be on the imaginary line joining South-West corner and North-East corner of the plot.
Well can be circular in shape below the ground level, but should be square above the ground.
Well should not be located in any other zones like South-East, North-West or South-West zones and it should mot touch the compound wall in North and East.
Well should not touch the building and it should not be inside the building.
Pump house too should not touch the compound wall in North and East, it should not be so big as to be as obstructing in the North-East.
Underground water storage tank or sump tank should be located in the same fashion as the well, its shape should be square; and rectangular shapes in unavoidable circumstances are allowed.
Cover slab of the underground tank should not protrude above the ground level.
Other water bodies like swimming pool, tanks, ponds, fountains which are normally below the ground level should also be in the North-East corner similar to well or sump.
Over head tank should be in the South-West corner of the plot or of the building over the terrace and it should be the highest structure in the site.
Over ground tanks containing water or other liquid can unavoidable case, be located in South-West and North-West but avoid water tanks over ground in South-East zone.
Over head water tanks should never be located in the South-East zone either in the plot or over the terrace of the building.
Over head tanks, when cannot be located in South-West corner of plot or building, it can be located in some other corner provided another structure heavier and taller than that is built in the South-West corner.
Septic tank or gobar gas plant should be located in North or East side of the plot but they should be in East of North (centre).
Septic Tank or gobar gas plant should mot touch the compound wall in North or East.
No part of septic tank or gobar gas plant should protrude above ground level.
Buildings should be as far as possible square or rectangle.
To have one open courtyard in the centre is always advisable.
Entrance portion, entrance lobby, pooja room etc, should be far as possible in North-East zone.
When entrance from North-East is not possible then it can favourable directions like South South East and West North West.
Bathroom where only bathing takes place can be in East or between East and North-East.
Kitchen should be in South-East corner and in unavoidable circumstances can be in North-West corner.
Kitchen cannot under any circumstances come in North-East quarter of the building or in South-West corner of the building. kitchen in the North-East will burn out everything; it may cause cancer, tumour, mental degradation and financial difficulties and unexpected death.
.Kitchen when located outside the building should come in the South-East zone of the plot or in the North-West zone o the plot but should not touch the compound wall in East and North.
Level of the floor of kitchen when located in South-East and North-West outside the building should be more than the house floor level.
kitchen should not be in front of or next to toilets. Do not let the toilet door face the kitchen and dining hall.
Cooking should always be done facing East, in the South-East corner of the kitchen whether the kitchen is in South-East or North-West.
Cooking facing North and South is prohibited.
Store room should be located between South_East and East.
Storage racks and lots either in kitchen or store should be against South and West wall and North and East walls should be avoided.
Heavy items like fridge, grinding stone etc., should also be located in the South and West side of the kitchen or store.
North-East corner of kitchen should have a sink or a water source. Water should flow out from the North-East corner to kitchen.
Bed rooms should be in Southern side, South-West corner and Western side only.
Bedroom can also be in he North-West corner but should no be used by the master or the bread earning of the house.
Bedroom in the south-west corner should be used by the master of the house.
Southern and Western side bedroom should be used by sons.
North-West corner bedroom can be used by daughters and guests.
Bedrooms with attached toilets in the North-East corner is dangerous. Newly married couple in any case should not use he North East bed room.
Only bedroom in the North-East corner, may be in unavoidable circumstances used by old people.
Bedrooms in he Eastern and Northern sides too are not good.
Bedroom in the South-East corner is dangerous.
When the building has more than one storey and there are two bedrooms in the South-West corner, one in the ground floor and the other in the first floor, the master of the house should use the one in the ground floor.
Children should keep with their head directed towards the East. Sleeping with the head towards East ensured enlightenment.
Adults should sleep with their head towards South. They can also sleep with their heads towards East. Sleeping with the head towards South ensures long life.
Family members in their own house should not sleep with their head towards West. Sleeping with the head towards West in their own house causes sorrow and unhappiness.
Guests should sleep with their head towards West. During travelling too one should keep his head towards West.
No one at any, cost at any place should sleep with his/hir head towards North. Sleeping with their head towards North may result in problems connected with heat and brain and may cause even death.
In the bedroom when locating the Cot/Bed more space should be left towards East ad North.
One should get up from the bed touching the ground touching ground with his/her right foot and then walk towards East or North.
Bed, dinning table, table, sofas or any such item should not be below any beam or attic.
Medicine hest should be in the North-East corner and one should face North-East while taking medicine.
All the wardrobes and heavy articles in the bedroom should towards West or South.
As far as possible East and North wall should be left free.
Dining Hall should be located in West side but can be in other side according to the convenience and the location or the kitchen.
One should face East, West and South while eating. Facing North during eating is prohibited.
Living rooms and drawing rooms too can be located as per the convenience and the location of the entrance.
But living room and drawing room should occupy more of the central zone of the building where center courtyard is not provided.
Photos of ancestors should be placed in the South-West corner of the house. Granary storage should be in the North West.
Sofas and other sitting arrangements should be such that family members always face East and North and the Guests face West and South.
No furniture or cupboards, self or any heavy items should touch the Eastern and Northern side wall.
TV or telephones should not be located in the North-East corner of any room. But can be kept in South-East and North-West corner and South-West corner too should be avoided. Stone, Sculpture, moghul garden, rock garden should be in the South West corner of the building.
Toilets when within the house should be between South and South-East, South and South-West, West and South-West, West and North-West.
In unavoidable circumstances toilets ca be located in North West and South-East corners.
Toilets should not be located in the South-West corner.
Toilets should not be located in the North-East zone under any circumstances, only a bathroom where only bath is taken can be located in the Eastern side But here to boiler or fire wood ovens to heat water should be avoided.
Clothes washing can be in the South-East corner of the house or plot.
When toilet are built outside the house they can be located in the South-East and North-West corer. Here boiler or firewood ovens can be used, but in the South-East corner of the toilet. Toilet should not touch North or East side compound walls.
Slope of the toiler should be towards North-East corner.
Wash basins and mirrors should be fixed to the northern or eastern side wall.
Water closets should be on North South axis, It should never be on east west axis.
Staircase and lifts should be in Southern side, South-West corner or Western side.
Staircase and lift should not be in North-East zone at all.
Steps should lead one from North to south and from South to West.
After reaching the mid landing the staircase can take any direction.
Movement on the staircase from ground to first floor should be as far as possible in clockwise direction.
When the staircase is located outside the building, it should be located in East-South East, South-South West. West South West and North-North West so that the movement is from North to South and East to West, respectively.
The termination of steps in the first floor should be in the faourable position only i.e East North East, South South East, West North West and North North East.
Number or risers in a staircase should be odd i.e 17, 19, 21 etc., similarly number of risers in the steps to the house too should be odd i.e. 1,2,3 etc .
As far as possible staircase should be away from the wall on the Eastern and Northern side at least by 3 inches.
Pooja room should be in the North-East zone.
Door to the pooja room should have double shutters and four frame
Deity should face West, East and North, but never South.
Worshiper too can face any direction except South.
When the building has more than one storey, the pooja room should be in the ground floor, rather than in the first floor.
Pooja room should not be attached to any toilet on any side.
Above the pooja room there should neither be a toilet nor a kitchen.
Prayer room and meditation rooms too shall be located in the North-East zone of the building and preferably in the ground floor.
It should be noted that North-East corner of livin room should be vacant and clean and it is better to hang a picture of a deity there which has to face West.
Cows shed should be in the West or North-West but should not touch the North side wall.
Celler or basement can be in the Northern side o the building and not in the Southern side.
Cellar or basement can e in the Eastern side of the building and not in the Western side.
Cellar can be in the North-East corner of the building but never in the South-West corer of the building.
Cellar should not be in the South East and North-West corner of the building.
Cellar ca be in the Northern and Eastern sides but should not be in Southern ad Western sides.
Entire building can have a cellar floor but it should slop towards North-East.
Tulsi plat should be grown in East or North East corner.
When a building has to have anther storey the entire first floor can be built.
But building on the Easter and leaving the Western side vacant is bad.
Building on the Northern side and leaving Southern side vacant is bad.
Building on both Eastern side ad Northern side and leaving South-West corner vacant is very bad.
One can build on the western side ad can leave eastern side vacant.
One can build on the southern side and cam leave northern side vacant.
One can built both on western and southern side and leave north-east corner as vacant.
All the roof and floor levels should slope towards North, East and North-East corner.
Height of the first floor should be equal to that of ground floor, it can be less than that of ground floor, but cannot be more.
Pigeons should not be reared in the house but ducks, cocks, parrots, dogs and cats can be reared in the house. They should be in North-West corner or West.
Never hang pictures of animal fights, hunting elephant captures, house on fire, trees devoid of flowers and fruits, dead and stuffed animals, horses etc.
Also never hang pictures of pigeons, crows, lions, snakes, vultures, owls and bats.
Blockades or obstructions like servant quarters, outhouses, store rooms, garages, watchmen’s room etc., should not be in the North-East corner.
Gate or door should not face any religious place, specially a temple. No shade of any religious place should fall on the house, at least it should be as far away as double the height of the house.
Blockades can be in the South-East and North-West zone but should not touch the compound or boundary in the eastern and northern side.
Those buildings can touch the compound and boundary on the western and southern sides.
South-West corner ca be blocked but not with kitchen or toilets
The height of those buildings should be more than that of the main building.
There should be a gap between those buildings and the main building.
Gap between the main building and the blockade in the South-East should be less than the gap between the blockade and the compound wall in the eastern side.
Gap between the main building and the blockade in the north wes should be less than the gap between the blockade and the compound in the northern side.
Main entrance door should be in the exalted position only i.e in favourable direction.
Rest of the doors in the houses should not be bigger than the main entrance door.
The favourable directions are North North East, East North East, South South East and West North West.
Door should not be fixed in the centre of the building or at the extreme corner of the building.
When the main door happens to be from the South South East it is better to fix another door in the East North East or North North East direction.
When more than one external door is proposed it is better to have one of the doors in the North East.
Three doors falling in one line is not good, there can only be two or four in one line.
Two doors/windows opposite each other should be of same width, ad they should be in alignment.
Rubbish, garbage or any kind of mounds opposite a gate or door should be avoided.
Number of doors and windows should not be the same in the ground and first floor , they should differ.
Doors in the first floor should be in the same position as those in the ground floor.
Number of doors and windows o each floor should be even i.e 2,4,6,8,12 etc.
Doors and windows should not be in 10, 20, 30, 40, numbers though they are even because these numbers end with zero.
Number of columns, beams in the building too shall be even.
Number of trees in a property too should be even.
Two main entrance doors of two houses opposite each other shall not be in one alignment they should differ.
Similarly two gates of houses opposite each other too shall not be in one alignment.
When the plot has deflected North South axis it is advisable at least to have the building parallel to the North South direction.
Better to have all the four side frames to the door or at least the external and pooja room door should have four frames.
When decorating the main an other doors onl permitted motifs should be selected i.e Image of family deity, two sentinels or guards, a dwarfish nurse, shanka and padmanidhi emitting coins, the astamagala, lakshmi-lotus seated and being bathed by elephants and cow with her calf.
Using motifs like images of gods in decoration of doors is prohibited.
Wood from the trees grown in cemeteries, side of the roads, banks of tanks and rivers shall not be used in the buildings.
Wood from decayed, dried-up, burnt out trees etc., shall not be used in building.
Wood from auspicious trees like Ashwatha, Atti, Coconut etc., too shall not be used in buildings.
Apartment are also like any other residential buildings and the principles of VASTU as far as the site, gate, location of water bodies, slope, compound wall etc., are concerned are same.
Main entrance to the apartment block should be in the favourable position like North North East, East North East, South South East and West North West.
Main entrance to each apartment should be from these favourable positions.
Kitchen should be in the South-East corer of each apatmen or in the North-West.
North-East zone of the apartment should not have any toilet or kitchen.
Bedrooms should be in South, South-West and North-West.
For all other details you can refer to the principles mentioned in the earlier pages.
Since the general principles of vastu are same for every building whether it is an independent residence or an attached house, whether it is an apartment or shopping centre, whether it is a hotel or a factory, other aspects not covered so far will be dealt with.
Open space should be more in Northern side than in the Southern side.
Open space should be more in Eastern side than in the Western side.
Big trees or avenues of trees should be in the western and southern side.
Small plants and lawn can be grown in the northern and eastern side.
Never plant trees brought from cemeteries, Cremation grounds, roads sides, given or presented by the sick.
Movement of people should be in the eastern and northern and North-East directions and not in western, southern and South-West directions.
Generators, transformer etc., should be in the South-East corner of the plot.
Height of the building should be more in South-West, less in North-East.
Staircase block and lift should be in South, South-West and West.
More windows opening in North and East than in South and West.
More balconies in North and East than those in South and West.
Lofts and mezzanine floors should be in Wes, South or South-West and not in East, North and North-East.
All the heavy items should be located in the South, West and South-West.
Each shop in a shopping arcade shall be treated as an independent unit as far as vastu principles are concerned.
In the east facing shop the cashier should sit in the South-East or South-West corner facing either North or East and the cash box should be more towards South or West.
In the south facing shop the cashier should sit in the South West corner facing North or East with the cash box more towards the south or west.
In west facing shops the cashier should sit in the South-West corner facing North or East with the cash box more towards South or West.
In the North facing shops the cashier should sit in the North-West or South-West corner either facing North or East with cash box more towards the South or West.
When the shop has only one full opening, only positive half of it should be used for the movement of people and goods i.e East North East in east facing shop, South east in south facing shops, West North West in west facing shops and North-North East in north facing shops.
In case of shops having two big opening then too the same principle should be followed, that is, the positive or favourable opening should used for the movement of people and goods.
The entire shopping arcade or commercial complex should have its main gate and main door or entry to the complex in the favourable directions i.e North-North East, East-North East, South-South East and West-North west.
The counters should be designed as to have the salesmen or sales girls facing either north or east and the customers facing south or east.
Toilet should never be in North-East corner of the individuals shop or office.
When the shop is not rectangle or square in shape, extension of the corner to North-East only is good. Extension to other corners is bad and has to be rectified.
All the lofts, mezzanine floors of the individual shops and offices should be in the western, southern and south-western sides and similarly the loading pattern.
n a commercial complex or office building, the office executive or proprietor should have his office in the South-West corner and should sit facing north.
Others should face either north or east and no one should face south. Facing west in unavoidable circumstances is allowed.
No staff members should sit in such a way that their back is towards the proprietor or chief executive.
When the building is huge, like those of schools, colleges and hospitals etc., and when L, U, C, shaped buildings are designed, care should be taken to see that the northern and eastern sides and more particularly North-Eastern corner is not blocked.
When setting up industrial units utmost care should be taken in the selection of site, its shape, slope in different directions, approach road etc., which should conform to the vastu principles.
Gate should be in the North North East, East North East, South South East or West North West and the main entrance door of the factory too shall be in the same fashion.
North and East side should be kept vacant and also northern and eastern sides shall have more open space than the southern and western sides.
Stream or filthy water or stationery dirty water in front of the building is not good.
Using old building materials from the demolished buildings should be avoided.
All the water bodies shall be in North East zone except the over head tank which shall be in South-West corner of the plot or of the building and this shall be the tallest structure in the complex.
All the heat generating units or where the fire is involved like transformer, generator, arc welding, boiler, furnace etc., shall be in the South-East corner of the plot or of the building.
In factory building North and East side should be with light machines, west and south should be with heavy machines.
North-East corner should be vacant and South-West corner should have the heavier machine and the loading pattern shall be in the same fashion.
Floor of the factory should slope slightly towards North-East and the roof should slop from south to north and west to east.
Goods which are to be quickly disposed off, should be stored in the North-West corner.
Managing director should have his chamber in the South-West corner and he should face north and others should face north or east.
When separate administrative block is proposed, it should be in the South-West corner of the plot but it should be higher than factory building.
When the administrative block is located in the North-East it should be lower than the factory building but no one should show their back towards the main factory building while sitting or working.
Toilet blocks should be in South and West but not in East, North or North-East. It should be avoided in the South West corner too.
Staff quarters, servants quarters, guest rooms etc., should be located in the North-West corner or South-East corner of the plot.
In no case northern and eastern compound wall shall be disturbed by touching of any structure. Even the security room and the pump house shall be away from it.
Building a compound wall and locating gates in the proper place is an absolute necessity eve though the plot is very big in size.
When a canteen is proposed in the industrial complex it shall be in the South-East corner or North-West corner.
Raw material can be stored outside in he open space but North and East side should be avoided, particularly North-East corner.
Parking of vehicles too can be in the open space but North-East corner shall be left free. North and East side can be used for parking.
Weight bridge can be located in the North-West or South-East zone.
Principles of selection of site, location gate, water bodies, heat generating elements, trees, security room etc., shall be according to vastu rules as already explained.
If there is a stream, nallah or river in the north or east of the plot and the water flows from south to north and from west to east it will be very advantageous.
Big trees and avenue of trees should be grown in west and south and only lawn and small plants should be grown in east and north.
Water bodies like swimming pool, fountain and water fall etc., should be in North-East zone only.
Rock garden with water fall can be in the South-West corer but there should not be any depression there and also water should not stagnate in the South-West corner.
Entrance to the reception hall should be in the favourable direction.
Entrance to the restaurant also should be from the favourable direction.
When the lodging and restaurant sections are managed by the same person care should be take to see that both the doors are in favourable directions, and if this becomes impossible then the ownership of the restaurant can be hanged to facilitate this.
Kitchen should be in the South-East corner or in the North-West corner.
Cashier and receptionist should face north or east and the customer should face south or west.
Managing director’s cabin should be in South-West corner and he should face either North or East. Door to his chamber should be from the North-East corner of the cabin.
Guest rooms in hotel building shall be planned as if they are independent units like shops in the shopping arcade.
Entry to the rooms should be from North North East, East North East, West orth West and South South East.
There should be no toilet or AC unit in North-East corner of the room.
Guest should sleep with his head towards west. East and South are also permitted but not North side.
In the dining hall the tables and chairs should be so arranged that the customer face East-West and south while eating but not North.
Either in the restaurant or in the reception there should not be any toilet in the East, North and particularly the North-East corner.
When more than one dining hall and kitchen are to be accommodated, care should be taken to see that the kitchen is located in the South-East and North-West corner only and the bar (where alcohol is supplied)does not come in North-East zone of the building.
Staircase blocks and lift rooms too should not come in the North, East, and North-East corner of the terrace.
Walls in the south and west should be thicker than the walls in the North and East.
Additional mosquito nets should be avoided in the windows in the Northern and Eastern sides.
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
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baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44