baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
Children should keep with their head directed towards the East. Sleeping with the head towards East ensured enlightenment.
Adults should sleep with their head towards South. They can also sleep with their heads towards East. Sleeping with the head towards South ensures long life.
Family members in their own house should not sleep with their head towards West. Sleeping with the head towards West in their own house causes sorrow and unhappiness.
Guests should sleep with their head towards West. During travelling too one should keep his head towards West.
No one at any, cost at any place should sleep with his/hir head towards North. Sleeping with their head towards North may result in problems connected with heat and brain and may cause even death.
In the bedroom when locating the Cot/Bed more space should be left towards East ad North.
One should get up from the bed touching the ground touching ground with his/her right foot and then walk towards East or North.
Bed, dinning table, table, sofas or any such item should not be below any beam or attic.
Medicine hest should be in the North-East corner and one should face North-East while taking medicine.
All the wardrobes and heavy articles in the bedroom should towards West or South.
As far as possible East and North wall should be left free.
Dining Hall should be located in West side but can be in other side according to the convenience and the location or the kitchen.
One should face East, West and South while eating. Facing North during eating is prohibited.
Living rooms and drawing rooms too can be located as per the convenience and the location of the entrance.
But living room and drawing room should occupy more of the central zone of the building where center courtyard is not provided.
Photos of ancestors should be placed in the South-West corner of the house. Granary storage should be in the North West.
Sofas and other sitting arrangements should be such that family members always face East and North and the Guests face West and South.
No furniture or cupboards, self or any heavy items should touch the Eastern and Northern side wall.
TV or telephones should not be located in the North-East corner of any room. But can be kept in South-East and North-West corner and South-West corner too should be avoided. Stone, Sculpture, moghul garden, rock garden should be in the South West corner of the building.
Copyright 2014 vastu. All rights reserved.
baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44