baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44
Since the general principles of vastu are same for every building whether it is an independent residence or an attached house, whether it is an apartment or shopping centre, whether it is a hotel or a factory, other aspects not covered so far will be dealt with.
Open space should be more in Northern side than in the Southern side.
Open space should be more in Eastern side than in the Western side.
Big trees or avenues of trees should be in the western and southern side.
Small plants and lawn can be grown in the northern and eastern side.
Never plant trees brought from cemeteries, Cremation grounds, roads sides, given or presented by the sick.
Movement of people should be in the eastern and northern and North-East directions and not in western, southern and South-West directions.
Generators, transformer etc., should be in the South-East corner of the plot.
Height of the building should be more in South-West, less in North-East.
Staircase block and lift should be in South, South-West and West.
More windows opening in North and East than in South and West.
More balconies in North and East than those in South and West.
Lofts and mezzanine floors should be in Wes, South or South-West and not in East, North and North-East.
All the heavy items should be located in the South, West and South-West.
Copyright 2014 vastu. All rights reserved.
baroda, gujarat 390018
ph: +91 98 79 77 22 44